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Korea Coffee Company visit CSD to discuss business
author:  time:2017/12/27 10:47:15
     August 14,2017, a representative of a coffee company in South Korea to CSD company to visit. CSD Investment Company General Manager Yin Xinhua, Deputy General Manager Zhu Xianghui, Yunnan Changshengda coffee company general manager Huang Juan attended the cooperation talks.

    At the meeting, general manager of Yunnan CSD Coffee Company Huang Juan did a report to Korea Coffee Company about the basic situation of the company and Laos base. South Korea representatives highly recognized my company in the unique cultivation of cultivated under the conditions of Laos boutique coffee. After the delegates are still the general manager of coffee company, accompanied by Huang Juan, the company's warehousing strength, and in the coffee bar tasting the original ecological high-quality Laos Coffee.

      After friendly consultations between the two sides, the two sides reached a consensus officially.

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