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Changshengda moved to Kunming Baida international office
author:  time:2017/12/27 10:34:10
 At the end of June, Yunnan Changshengda Investment Company, Yunnan Changshengda Coffee Company and Sabi Di Company moved to the office building purchased by Changshengda Investment Company.

The new office building is a Grade A office building, located in Kunming High-tech Zone, Haiyuan North Road, a large international division A, 21 floor, an area of more than 1,200 square meters.
In March, Chang Shengda to start the renovation of the new office building work. In early April, ChangShengda, deputy general manager of Zhu Xianghui and the company in charge of high-tech enterprises in the high-tech zones signed a new office building contract, the project officially signed. May 4 officially started construction. After more than two months of efforts, the new office building completed, and successfully moved into office.

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